Student Organization Events & Information

  • Student Activity Budget Hearings

    Student Activity Budget Hearings


    The Student Activity and Service Fee Advisory Committee (SASFAC) is charged annually by the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the Executive Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer with reviewing the Student Activity Fee funded organizations (Tier III) at each of the campuses and providing recommendations and advice regarding their fees.

    The Spring 2024 SASFAC focus is on the FY24 review, FY25 update and FY26 budget proposals for each of the following organizations. 


    Storrs Campus

    • Graduate Student Senate
    • Nutmeg Publishing
    • Student Union Board of Governors (SUBOG)
    • The Daily Campus
    • UCTV
    • Undergraduate Student Government
    • WHUS Radio


    Regional Campuses

    • Avery Point – Associated Student Government
    • Hartford – Undergraduate Student Government
    • School of Law - Student Bar Association
    • School of Social Work - Graduate Student Organization
    • Stamford - Student Government Association
    • Waterbury - Associated Student Government


    Budget Hearing Schedule

    • Open Forum: Monday, February 5th from 3:30-4:30 pm; Student Union 304C for in person, and  (Student Fee Open Forum) for remote access.


    The Open Forum is for any student who wishes to raise questions of the fees reviewed in advance of the Budget Hearings. Other opportunities to provide feedback include attending the public session at the conclusion of each hearing day, or you may also contact the committee via email.


    • Storrs Campus Student Activity Organization Hearings: Tuesday, February 6 from 2:15-6:30 pm. Hearings will take place in person at the UConn Rec Husky Suite A. Please see the schedule at Committee website: Public Hearing Schedule.


    • Regional Campus Student Activity Organization Hearings: Thursday, February 8 from 3:00-5:30 pm. Hearings will take place remotely. Please see the schedule and the link to remote link to the hearings at the Committee website: Public Hearing Schedule.
    For more information, contact: Janice Canniff at