Scholarship & Award Announcements

  • Accepting Applications for Millennium Fellowship

    We are excited to announce that the application for Millennium Fellowship, presented by The United Nations Academic Impact and MCN, is now open! The semester-long fellowship program cultivates and honors undergraduate student leaders who are dedicated to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals within and around their communities.


    As a Millennium Fellow, you will have the chance to refine your leadership abilities, initiate practical initiatives, and receive a certificate of recognition from the United Nations Academic Impact and MCN. The best part? There is no cost for selected students to participate.

    If you are interested, undergraduate leaders are encouraged to submit their applications by next priority deadline- December 30, 2023. (The Class of 2024 will run from August to December 2024.)


    Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to make a positive social impact and enhance your leadership skills. Apply now and be part of a global movement towards sustainable development.

    For more information, contact: Team MCN at