Scholarship & Award Announcements

  • Fulbright UK Summer Institutes

    Would you like to study in the United Kingdom next summer? If you are a freshman or sophomore with a 3.70 GPA or higher (and a US citizen), then you may be eligible to apply for one of the Fulbright UK Summer Institutes:

    • University of Bristol: Arts, Activism, and Social Justice
    • University of Bristol: Black Humanities
    • Glasgow School of Art and University of Strathclyde: Technology, Innovation and Creativity
    • University of Exeter: Climate Change and the Environment
    • University of St. Andrews: Scotland's History: Kingdom, Nation, People
    • Aberystwyth University: Identity and Nationhood through the lens of Wales

    All seven of of these institutes include round-trip airfare, tuition and fees at the host institution, accommodation, and, in some cases, a small daily allowance for meals.

    For more information, contact: Michael Cunningham at