On Campus Job Opportunities

  • Inspire The Next Generation Of Engineers (SPARK)

    Make an impact and Inspire the Next Generation of Engineers! Join SPARK for Summer 2024. 


    SPARK is a STEM summer camp at the STORRS campus for middle school girls to get them interested in pursuing engineering/STEM. SPARK is UCONN’s initiative in shrinking the gender gap that’s prevalent within the STEM field. Undergrad STEM/Engineering students develop and teach content ranging from different engineering disciplines 


    Need a job for summer 2024? Interested in gaining leadership and presentation skills? Want to make a difference? Then sign up to be a camp counselor for SPARK! 



    • Identify as Female 

    • Undergrad (graduated seniors can’t be hired)

    • Major/Minor in an engineering major (e.g biomedical engineering) or show deep interest in STEM/Engineering. Here is a list of engineering majors and minors at UCONN. 


    Applications are currently live until SUNDAY OCTOBER 22 @ 11:59PM. To apply click here


     Feel free to visit our website for more information. 


    For more information, contact: SPARK at engr-spark@uconn.edu