Career, Internship & Fellowship

  • VAW Global Health Alliances Medical Internship

    Are you a pre-health student interested in a 2-week medical outreach internship to the Dominican Republic? VAW Global Health Alliances will allow you to gain 60+ clinical hours by shadowing local physicians, taking vitals signs, practicing pharmacology, and more in Latin America! Immerse yourself into a new culture! No prior medical experience or Spanish language requirement needed! 

    Trip dates:  05/21/24 - 06/04/24 (15 days, 14 nights)

    Program Fee: $1995 (This includes program costs, housing and food, + $100 medication & supplies fund. Airfare is NOT included)

    If interested, please fill out this form before 10/20 11:59 pm:

    Email for questions or more information! 

    For more information, contact: Brittney Salas at +1 (860) 534-0108