
  • 10/4 Storage Quotas on Google Workspace Accounts

    ITS will begin applying 15GB storage limits on student Google accounts this fall.

    • For accounts that use less than 14.5GB of storage, ITS will apply the limit on Wednesday, October 4, 2023.
    • Students with accounts approaching or above this limit will receive a direct message from ITS with guidance and a deadline.

    Note: Storage is shared among Drive, Gmail, and Photos. You can see how much storage you are using under Google > Settings > Storage.

    How will this limit affect me?
    If your storage is under 15GB, you will experience no impact. As you approach the limit, you’ll see a notification about your storage status. If you go over the limit after it has been applied, you will be able to send and receive emails and view your files; you will not be able to edit existing files or create new ones.

    What should I do if I’m over the limit?
    If you are close to the limit or over it, you should delete old and unwanted files. You can also use the Google Takeout tool to download files and move them to alternative storage.

    Why is ITS doing this?
    We are transitioning our community from Google Workspace to Microsoft 365.  This decision was prompted when Google discontinued free, unlimited storage and moved to a fee-based model in 2022.  We purchased a plan with Google to avoid a sudden loss of services.  This plan, however, does not provide unlimited storage. To meet the terms of the contract and prepare for the move to Microsoft 365, we need to start managing storage now.

    For more information, contact: Technology Support Center at