Volunteer Opportunities

  • Make Friends and Make a Difference

    Are you looking to make friends and make a difference while also earning a scholarship?

    If so, then please consider the Jumpstart program at UConn. Jumpstart members serve 300 hours per academic year with adorable 3-5 year old kids, helping them have equal access to a high quality education. Our program is cohort based, so you'll get to know other like-minded people well and you'll receive a $1300 education award when you finish. 

    Jumpstart is an Americorps program and looks great on any application to education or pediatric-based next steps. We accept anyone who is willing to make the commitment to serve and would love to meet with you to discuss if our program is right for you. 

    To learn more about Jumpstart, visit our website here: Jumpstart | Community Outreach (uconn.edu)

    Applications to be part of our 2023-2024 cohort can be submitted online here: https://apply.jstart.org


    For more information, contact: Jackie and Kaitlynn at uconn.co.jumpstart@gmail.com