Career, Internship & Fellowship

  • Biotech entrepreneurship opportunity

    We represent a student group called Nucleate that aims to empower tomorrow’s biotech leaders by providing life science trainees with the education and tools they need to translate their research. Our flagship program, the Activator, teaches the principles of new venture formation through a series of workshops and mentor interactions. Our New Haven organization is in its second year and operates in close collaboration with Yale Ventures.


    We’re currently seeking talented and entrepreneurial students, post-docs, and post-grads to participate in our programming, and we’d appreciate it if you could forward this email to your lab members. 


    If your lab is working on a therapeutic, platform technology, or diagnostic that you think is potentially impactful for medicine and society, we’d love to chat with you. Please let us know if you have 15 minutes to learn more and we’d be happy to set up a time. 


    Best regards,

    Nucleate Leadership Team



    Nucleate 2023-2024 Applications are Open! 

    Build your life science venture! Nucleate is a nonprofit, non-dilutive entrepreneurship program for aspiring biotech startup founders. Our equity-free Activator program supports ventures that tackle the biggest challenges in human health and sustainability. The program connects scientific trainees and business students with a world-class advisor network of startup founders, executives, venture investors, and renowned scientists. Nucleate New Haven operates in partnership with Yale Ventures, BioCT, Biolabs, and Yale Biotech Club, among others. 


    Our 2023-2024 application is now open! Apply here (Deadline October 21st). Our program is compatible with a wide variety of backgrounds including PhD, MD, MBA, JD, etc. To learn more, keep an eye out for our next social or reach out to us at 

    For more information, contact: Deepa Anjan Kumar at