Volunteer Opportunities

  • BIO 1107 Tutoring Opportunities

    The BIO 1107 Tutoring Program is currently looking for tutors who are interested in helping students taking Dr. Thomas Abbott's BIOL 1107 course this upcoming fall. The tutoring program is designed to provide students with resources tand create a unique plan that will allow the student to excel and be successful in the course. We are looking for tutors who have taken BIOL 1107, preferably with Dr. Abbott, and passed with a B+ or higher. Tutors will be expected to join a 2 credit course (MCB 3899) with Dr. Abbott where tutors will be trained to effectively tutor their students. If you are interested in joining this program, please fill out this interest form: https://forms.gle/riEoehk9sCgHnKRT7

    Please direct any questions or concerns to bio1107tutors@gmail.com

    For more information, contact: Biology Department at bio1107tutors@gmail.com