
  • 7/13 Paid Research Study for Undergraduates

    The goal of this research study is to explore how students learn from pre-recorded lectures. In
    this study, you will be asked to watch recorded lectures and answer questions about the presented
    content. While watching the lecture your eye movements will be recorded using a camera and
    your brain activity will be recorded by placing electrodes over your head. You will also be asked
    to complete several surveys before and after watching the lectures.

    This is a two-part in-person study, conducted at the Arjona Building:
    Part 1 will take 1.5 - 2 hours to complete.
    Part 2 (scheduled one week after part 1) will take 15 - 30 minutes to complete.
    You will receive $15/hour upon completion of both parts.

    Any undergraduate student who is right handed, is a native English speaker, aged 18 to 30, does
    not have a diagnosis of ADHD or Dyslexia, and has normal or corrected-to-normal vision and
    hearing is eligible to participate.
    Participants will be requested to come with freshly washed hair without any product in it (if at all
    possible) and without eye makeup as these can interfere with accuracy of the EEG and eye
    tracker measurements.

    If you have any questions about this study, please email
    This study is conducted under the supervision of Dr. Ido Davidesco, Department of Educational

    For more information, contact: lab2classroom at