Student Organization Events & Information

  • 9/3 Join Delta Sigma Pi Coed Business Fraternity!

    Stop by our booth at the Involvement Fair Wednesday 9/3/14 from 2-7pm and THEN come to one of our information sessions to learn more and meet our brothers!

    We are a CO-ED professional fraternity for business and economics majors. Anyone interested in joining DSP this fall semester should join this group and attend our scheduled events. Please feel free invite anyone others with interest in joining our organization!

    INFO SESSION #1 - 9/3/14 @7PM  BUSN 106

    INFO SESSION #2 - 9/4/14 @7PM  BUSN 106

    Are you interested in:

    -Pursuing a career in the business world?
    -Learning about professionalism?
    -Building a vast social and professional network?
    -Listening to premier professional speakers in the business world today?
    -Attending private recruiting events with top companies?
    -Giving back to the community?
    -Having a good time?
    -Being a part of the BEST organization the business school has to offer?

    *Do you have Monday nights after 6:00 free?
    *Do you have at least 2 semesters left until you graduate?

    If you answered yes to any of these questions the Theta Iota chapter of Delta Sigma Pi wants to recruit YOU this fall!




    For more information, contact: Katy Serio at