
  • Eccentric Exercise Study

    A research study is being conducted by the Sports Optimization and Rehabilitation laboratory at the University of Connecticut to investigate the effect of ankle position during eccentric exercise, evaluate control of the hip muscles during a series of hopping tests, and evaluate an eccentric fatigue protocol on neuromuscular control. Any males or females between the ages of 18-35 who are physically active (participate in recreational athletic activity at least twice a week) and are familiar with the squat and deadlift exercise can participate. 

    The research study consists of 2 trials: 

    • Day 1: You will be familiarized with the ankle mobility testing andparticipatein a hopping test(~45 mins). 

    • Day 2: You will complete the ankle mobility testing, participate in a series of hopping tests, and complete the fatigue protocol (~1.5 hours). 

    All trials will be completed at the SOAR Lab located within Gampel Pavilion.
    For more information, contact: Zachary Malone at