School, Program, and Course Information

  • Earth Sciences May/Summer 2023 - Lab and E Courses

    Department of Earth Sciences - Summer 2023 Course Offerings


    May Term 5/8-5/26

    - ERTH 1000E. The Human Epoch: Living in the Anthropocene, ONLINE ASYNCHRONOUS


    Summer Session 1 5/30-6/30

    - ERTH 1051. Earth's Dynamic Environment Lecture, ONLINE ASYNCHRONOUS

    - ERTH 1052. Earth's Dynamic Environment Lab, ONLINE SYNCHRONOUS - MonTueWedThu 10:00AM-1:00PM

    *When both courses are taken, whether concurrently or not, ERTH 1051 + 1052 satisfy the CA3 lab science requirement*


    Summer Session 2 7/10-8/11

    - ERTH 2310E. Creating and Sustaining National Parks

               - Lecture - ONLINE ASYNCHRONOUS

               - Discussion - ONLINE SYNCHRONOUS - Tue 10:00AM-12:00PM

                *must take lecture and discussion*


    For more information, contact: Christin Donnelly at