Special Events

  • Take a Study Break with the UConn Library

    Breathe – You’ve Got This.

    Roll into finals relaxed and ready to take it all on with help from the UConn Library.

    There are several ways to take a break from studying and focus on your mental health.

    Introduction to Mindfulness
    Learn mindfulness techniques from SHaW
    Wednesday, April 26th, 10-11:30am
    Homer Babbidge Library, Room 1102
    RSVP via email at homer@uconn.edu

    Zines for Good Mental Health
    Grab some supplies and learn how zines can help relieve stress, anxiety, and uncertainty
    Monday, April 24th - 12:30-2:30pm
    Wednesday, April 26 - 10:00am-12:00pm
    Homer Babbidge Library Plaza

    De-Stress Activities all week long
    Learn more about our resources to help your mental health like our wellness collection, button making, free tea and giveaways. 

    For more information, contact: Jean Cardinale at jean.cardinale@uconn.edu