School, Program, and Course Information

  • UNIV 3820: Finding Life Purpose, 1 Credit, Fall

    The Life Purpose Lab, based in the Sociology Department, studies how people find purpose in their life. As a service to the UConn community, we offer classes based on our research that guide students in discovering their own purpose in life.

    Learn the science and practice of finding your own life purpose.

    The one-credit class meets on Tuesdays from 3:30-4:45. In-person, fall semester.

    Topics include envisioning multiple purposes for your future, evaluating what's best for you, living out your values, and maximizing the amount of purpose in your life.

    Sign up on PeopleSoft for UNIV 3820, Section 007, with Eran Peterson (fall semester).

    For more information, contact: Bradley R. Wright at