Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 4/20 Carbon Coffee Talk #3

    Hello everyone, 

    With next week being Earth Week, make sure to come and support our campus’s efforts toward sustainability! 

    President Maric's recently-formed Carbon Reduction Working Group will be hosting its third "Coffee Talk" with Facilities Operations and experts on Thursday 4/20 from 5:00 PM-6:00 PM in Science One (Conference Room SCI1-1002)!

    This discussion will be centered around the different avenues that UConn is actively pursuing through projects to reduce greenhouse gasses, including the Solar Canopy project.

    Please sign up and submit questions you'd like to ask during the talk using this Google Form link. Space is limited!

    Follow Fossil Fuel Free UConn (FFFU) Environmental Coalition on Instagram for more updates:

    For more information, contact: Lilly Adamo at