On Campus Job Opportunities

  • Fall 2014 Data Archive Graduate Assistantship

    TheRoperCenterfor Public Opinion Research


    Fall 2014 Data Archive Graduate Assistantship


    Data Archive Graduate Assistantship position is now open to graduate students of the University of Connecticut as of August, 2014. Students in this position will be directly involved in processing (checking, verifying and cataloging) public opinion survey datasets into the Roper Center archives and will gain experience in basic data handling and analysis methods.

    Data Processing and Analysis Assistant

    Candidates should have some experience in quantitative social science data analysis and processing including experience with at least one of the major statistical software packages (preferably SPSS). Training will be provided in the specific processes employed by the Center and additional data handling procedures. Interest in survey research, current affairs, and politics is desirable.


    • Familiarity with SPSS or some      other major statistical package
    • Basic knowledge of file      transfer methods
    • Organized and detail oriented     
    • Work well as part of a team


    Email an attached cover letter and resume to Terry Emmonsat terry.emmons@uconn.edu.

    For more information, contact: Terry Emmons at terry.emmons@uconn.edu