Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 4/27 Risk Avoidance in Youth - Dr. Michael Crowley

    The UConn Brain Imaging Research Center (BIRC) will host Dr. Michael Crowley of the Yale Child Study Center Thursday, April 27th. An in-person talk will be given at 2pm in Oak Hall 408. If you are interested in attending the talk or meeting with Dr. Crowley, please register here.


    Risk avoidance in youth

    Michael Crowley PhD
    Yale Child Study Center

    Thursday, April 27th 2023
    2:00 pm ET
    In-person Oak Hall 408Please register here.

    Adolescence is a period of heightened risk-taking. Our field has focused heavily on understanding adolescent risk-taking behavior –yet, a sizeable proportion of adolescents may tend to avoid risks in some contexts. This talk will discuss ongoing programmatic research on risk avoidance in youth. Using computational modeling, high density EEG and fMRI, Dr. Crowley will discuss his current work examining the brain and behavior correlates of risk avoidance with links to substance use and anxiety.


    For more information, contact: BIRC at