
  • Pharmaceuticals - Coffee Chat with OPIM Innovate

    The OPIM Innovate Lab offers hands-on technology oriented coffee chats on a variety of topics of interest to the UConn community. These coffee chats provide an excellent virtual learning opportunity as well as a venue for the exchange of ideas among fellow members of the university and professionals. All coffee chats are 30-60 minutes networking sessions and are held on Webex.

    Carley Heck completed her PhD in 2019, where she studied drug metabolism and toxicity of HIV therapeutics with Namandjé Bumpus at Johns Hopkins. Carley currently works as a Principal Scientist in Biotransformation at Pfizer, where she employs biotransformation science to support both drug discovery and development.

    Topics Include: Graduate Student Experience / Advice

    Thursday April 6, 2023
    4:00pm - 5:00pm


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    For more information, contact: Jonathan Moore at