Special Events

  • 3/26 Shades of Womanhood: Women's History Month Event

    Shades of Womanhood will be taking place on Sunday, March 26 from 5-7 PM in the SU Ballroom and will honor the impactful work of women on campus toward diversity, equity, and inclusion in celebration of Women’s History Month. This event seeks to empower women, award individuals for their advocacy, and serve as a networking event for people looking to get involved in women-centered organizations at UConn. This event is semi-formal, open to all UConn students, and a full course dinner will be provided. 

    If you would like to nominate someone for one of the awards we will be giving out during this event, the form can be found here

    RSVPing for the event is required and the link can be found here. More information will be on the USG Instagram page @usguconn and any questions can be sent to diversity@usg.uconn.edu. We are looking forward to having you all join us for this special event on March 26!

    For more information, contact: Chief Diversity Office at diversity@usg.uconn.edu