School, Program, and Course Information

  • ENGR 3022 Course for Black & Latinx Women

    ENGR 3022 – BOSS LADI: Building Our Sistas’ Strength, Leveraging Adversity, Diversity, and Intellect- An introductory course for Black & Latinx Women in STEM

    Course Description

    This course is intended to increase the confidence, communication, and leadership skills of underrepresented undergraduate women (specifically Black & Latinx) in STEM so that they have the agency and ability to step into leadership roles (especially in higher levels of management) in varying environments (academia, government, industry, etc.) and know they can affect change.  This course will also assist students in preparation for academic success through exposure to resources, guest speakers, and discussions in and outside of class.  

    This 2-credit course will be offered in the Fall Semester on Wednesdays from 5-7pm and will meet once per week.Please reach out to the course instructors Velda Alfred Abney and Dr. Stephany Santos for permission numbers to enroll in the course.


    Tentative Syllabus:


    If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to the course instructors at, 


    For more information, contact: Velda Alfred-Abney at