Dining Services

  • Seniors, Name the 2023 Senior Scoop

    Seniors, name the 2023 Senior Scoop!

    Our official 2023 Senior Scoop is ALMOND ICE CREAM with DARK CHOCOLATE FLAKES and CARAMEL SWIRL! Congratulations to Isabella Gaspard, Anisha Nigam, and Miriam Mathew for submitting the exact winning flavor idea.

    Now is your chance to give this winning combination an equally tasty name. Be creative and submit a flavor name that reflects your UConn pride. If we choose your exact submission, your name will live on in glory on the 2023 Senior Scoop plaque at the Dairy Bar.

    The final flavor name will be selected based on how creatively and accurately the name reflects both the flavor combination and UConn’s unique spirit, pride, and traditions. Past Senior Scoop names or existing Dairy Bar flavor names will not be considered.

    To be considered, ideas must be submitted by Friday, March 10, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. EDT.

    Multiple submissions allowed and encouraged.

    UConn seniors only, please! 

    For more information, contact: Jessica Sokol at jsokol@foundation.uconn.edu