Leadership Opportunities

  • 3/7 Antisemitism Training

    “Antisemitism in our Midst - Past & Present - A Conversation for Student Leaders”

    Bias against Jews is rising across the United States and on college campuses. Join us for a conversation about antisemitism and what you can do to respond. This program will address hard questions about the changing forms of antisemitism, the complex racial position of Jews in contemporary America, and the line between criticism of Israel and antisemitism. 

    5:30-7:00pm (dinner served)

    Location: Hillel, 54 N. Eagleville Road

    RSVP, RSVP for antisemitism training - Google Forms


    Presented by Naomi Greenspan, Director, Improving the Campus Climate Initiative for the Academic Engagement Network
    Sponsored by ODI and UConn Hillel


    For more information, contact: Edina Oestreicher at edina@uconnhillel.org