Career, Internship & Fellowship

  • Intro to STEM Research Apprentice (Due 3/3)

    Interested in getting involved with a research project in STEM, but no clue where to begin? Apply to be an Apprentice!

    The Center for Access and Postsecondary Success (CAPS) houses a hands-on shadowing opportunity for 1st and 2nd year students to learn more about being in a research environment to be fully prepared to be an undergraduate researcher. This opportunity is known as CAPS Apprentice (formerly McNair Apprentice).

    Students commit to:

    • shadowing 3 – 6 hours weekly with a STEM research group (the CAPS Program Coordinator will work with you to find the ideal faculty mentor match) for the fall 2023 semester
    • unlimited access to holistic advising from the Program Coordinator and peer mentors regarding project progress and balance with academics and college life
    • professional development during a weekly UNIV 1820 on Friday mornings to be prepared to be an independent undergraduate researcher and learn about graduate degrees across STEM fields.


    To learn more about this opportunity, you can attend a virtual info session with Program Coordinator, Dr. Renee Trueman. 1 info session remains!

    March 1 @ 11 – 11:45am

    Webex location for all sessions:  


    You can also email Dr. Renee any time:


    Applications are due Friday, March 3, 2023


    First generation college student who is from a low income household (see chart on application)


    Self-identify as underrepresented racial or ethnic group in higher education (see description on application)

    Here is the direct link containing the application website and eligibility details. . Applications are due Friday, March 3, 2023


    To state your intent to apply, please complete this Google form:


    Please know, NO letter of recommendation is required & no interview sessions will be held.


    Regional campus students are encouraged to apply if they will be on the Storrs campus for the Fall 2023 semester and beyond.


    Learn more here: CAPS Research Apprenticeship | Center for Access & Postsecondary Success ( & find us on Instagram @uconn_caps_mcnair_program!



    For more information, contact: Renee Trueman, PhD at