
  • 2/21 An Insider View of Apple by OPIM Innovate

    Tuesday February 21, 2023
    7:00pm - 8:00pm 

    The OPIM Innovate Lab offers hands-on technology oriented coffee chats on a variety of topics of interest to the UConn community. These coffee chats provide an excellent virtual learning opportunity as well as a venue for the exchange of ideas among fellow members of the university and professionals. All coffee chats are 30-60 minutes networking sessions and are held on Webex.

    Alex Zevin is a recent graduate of UConn who is now a software engineer at Apple. He will be discussing his personal career experiences and what being in the field of software engineering is like.

    Topics Include: Programming, XReality, Internet of Things, Software/App Development, UX/UI



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    For more information, contact: Jonathan Moore at