
  • 2/20 Needing BIO/PSYC Students for Paid Research

    We are seeking participants for an online study about how undergraduate students learn from
    pre-recorded lectures . In this study, you will be asked to watch recorded lectures while your
    eye movements are being recorded using a web camera (only your eye gaze position - not your
    video - will be recorded. You will also be asked to answer a few questions, complete short
    surveys and provide basic demographic information.
    Any undergraduate biology or psychology student who is a native English speaker English, is aged 18 to 30, does not have a diagnosis of ADHD or dyslexia, and has normal or corrected-to-
    normal vision and hearing is eligible to participate.This is a two-part online study:
    Part 1 will take approximately one hour to complete.
    Part 2 (done one week after part 1) will take 15 - 30 minutes to complete.
    You will receive a $15 Amazon gift card upon completion of both parts.
    This study needs to be completed on a desktop or laptop with a working web camera, and
    speakers or headphones, and a minimum connection speed of 2Mbps. Please note that there is a
    time limit of 1.5 hrs to complete Part 1 of the study.
    If interested, please email for more information.
    This study is conducted under the supervision of Dr. Ido Davidesco, University of Connecticut.

    For more information, contact: lab2classroom at