Arts and Entertainment

  • 2/9 Benton: Book Launch

    Book Launch: "More than Scenery: Yellowstone, an American Love Story" by Janet Pritchard

    Thursday, February 9, 2023
    4:30pm – 6:00pm

    Janet L. Pritchard will introduce her book "More than Scenery: Yellowstone, an American Love Story", with a reception to follow. Through captivating photographs and insightful text, the artist surveys how generations of visitors have invested Yellowstone—the world’s first national park—with ideas, beliefs, and values reflecting their historical moment.

    Janet L. Pritchard is a landscape photographer and Professor of Photography at the University of Connecticut. Her photographs have appeared in FlakPhoto Projects, Fine Art Photography Daily, Fraction Magazine, LensCulture, Lenscratch, The Photo Review, and View Camera Magazine, among others. Her awards and fellowships include a John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship in Photography, a Jay and Deborah Last Fellowships at the American Antiquarian Society, and a National Endowment for the Arts Summer Institute Fellowship at the Hermon Dunlap Smith Center for the History of Cartography at the Newberry Library in Chicago. Her Artist-in-Residence awards include the Institute for Electronic Arts, Jentel Foundation, Millay Colony for the Arts, Ucross Foundation, and Vindolanda Trust, UK. Her artist Website is

    Held in conjunction with the exhibition, "Seeing Truth: Art, Science, Museums, and Making Knowledge", which features work by Janet L. Pritchard. The exhibition and related public programs are generously supported by a grant from the Henry Luce Foundation.

    University of Connecticut
    School of Fine Arts
    245 Glenbrook Road
    Storrs, CT
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    For more information, contact: The Benton Museum at 860-486-4520