Arts and Entertainment

  • 12/8 Movie Screening at UConn Barnes & Noble

    Local artist Clay Colt and the UConn Bookstore on Royce Circle in Downtown Storrs will be screening The Nightmare Before Christmas this Thursday, Dec. 8th at 5pm in the little theater in the bookstore usually hiding behind the funky mural. 
    You may have dropped in on one of Clay Colt's movie nights at the Unitarian Universalist here in Storrs. His events mostly focus on antifascist, informative, political, obscure or art house films. We hope that by hosting a few book-related  movie nights at the bookstore more people will stumble upon the movie (foot traffic-wise) and then seek out his film nights at the U.U.
    While the films at the store are free, the films at U.U. are by donation, give what you can. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. 
    Hope to see you there! 
    - UConn B&N, Downtown Storrs
    For more information, contact: UConn B&N at 860-486-8525