Leadership Opportunities

  • 12/4 - 2023-2024 - RA Application Deadline

    Every academic year, the Department of Residential Life employs over 300 Resident Assistants (RA) at both the Storrs and Stamford campuses. The RA is a peer educator who facilitates the personal, interpersonal, and intellectual growth of students. The RA plays a key role in developing an inclusive living community that fosters diverse learning. Under the leadership of the Residence Hall Director staff, Resident Assistants assist with the day-to-day operation of their assigned community.  These tasks can include checking in/out a resident, facilitating one on one and community conversations, mediating roommate conflicts and monitoring and documenting safety concerns, and other assigned responsibilities.

    Applications are available now on https://uconn.erezlife.com and are due no later than Sunday, December 4, 2022, at 11:59pm.

    Qualified applicants are screened on the following criteria:

    • All candidates must have lived on campus for 1 or more semesters at either the Storrs or Stamford campus by the end of the fall 2022 semester.
    • Candidates must submit their on-campus housing application for 2023-2024 by February 10, 2023.  You MUST be guaranteed for housing for fall 2023 in order to be hired as a RA.  Because the RA application is due prior to the housing application being available, candidates that meet all of the other criteria will continue in the interview process.  If you apply to be a RA and do not submit your housing application by the February 10, 2023 due date, you will not be eligible for hire.  
    • Earn at least sophomore status by the time of employment (fall 2023) and be a full-time, degree-seeking undergraduate student enrolled at the Storrs or Stamford campus for the entire employment period.
    • Maintain at least a 2.50 cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) at the time of application, and throughout the process. Students on Scholastic Probation/Subject to Dismissal will be ineligible to continue in the process.
    • Uphold the University's Responsibilities of Community Life: The Student Code and the On-Campus Housing Contract. All students with a student conduct history will be subject to review. Students who are on University Probation during the semesters of application review or interviews are not eligible to interview. Students who were found responsible for any incidents in the current academic year or during the application and interviewing process will not be eligible to interview or continue in the process.

    Position Benefits: (These are only some of the benefits!)

    • Multi-faceted leadership skills
    • Experience working with people from differing backgrounds; understanding the need to be open to those whose identities may be different than one’s own
    • Critical thinking skills
    • Strong time management skills
    • Written and oral communication skills
    • Honesty and integrity
    • Crisis management experience
    • Understanding the nature of working in/on teams.
    • Relationship-building skills, as well as helping others build relationships.

    Position Compensation:

    • RAs will receive a housing waiver for their RA room.
    • RAs will also receive a cash stipend of $5,600 for the 2023-2024 academic year. The stipend is paid out biweekly.

    More information can be found here: https://reslife.uconn.edu/resident-assistant-ras-fall/


    For more information, contact: Beth Helinski at beth.helinski@uconn.edu