Student Organization Events & Information

  • 11/11 UCONN SASP Social


    We hope your semester is going well!

    We, the UCONN Student Association of School Psychology (SASP), would like to invite all of you to our social, Kick Back & Relax in celebration of National School Psychology Week 2022! Come enjoy food in the company of your fellow graduate students!

    National School Psychology Week is an annual celebration of the work school psychologists provide to students, families, and communities. This year’s theme “Together We Shine” is a call to reconnecting with others following the difficulties we have experienced over the last two years.

    If you’re interested in attending, please RSVP HERE:

    The details of the event are as follows:

    Venue: Student Union, Room 303

    Date: Nov 11th

    Time: 5-8 PM

    We look forward to seeing you there!

    This event is open to Graduate Students. We only have limited seats, so please register early!!!

    For more information, contact: UCONN SASP at