
  • 11/4 Workshop on Diffusion Weighted MRI

    In this two module course, Dr. Nabin Koirala will give an overview on basics of diffusion MRI including the principles of diffusion and how it is used in (neuro) imaging. The neurobiological meaning hidden behind the magnificent images that we can obtain using this technique, and hands on analysis of the diffusion MRI data to obtain different metrics.

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    Part 1: Principles and Data Acquistion

    Friday, November 4th
    2 - 4pm 

    Topics include:

    • Understand diffusion imaging and why many people are beginning to use it
    • Analyzing data and implementing it into research 


    Part 2: Data Processing and Analyses

    Friday, November 18th
    1 - 3pm 

    This course will cover the practical aspects of diffusion data analysis with basics of how to analyze it in your personal computer as well as in the high-performance computing (HPC) systems. The toolbox I will use to demonstrate the data analysis will be FSL. 

    Topics include:

    • Learning how to use FSL and learn to run a standard pipeline for dMRI data processing
    • Learning basics of shell scripting and necessary steps needed to run the data analysis in high-performance computing clusters
    For more information, contact: Brain Imaging Research Center at