Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 10/7 Neurodiversy & Career Development - Shawn Smith

    The INCLUDE program and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering would like to invite you to join us on Friday,October 7th as we welcome Shawn Smith, founder and CEO of Don’t Dis-my-ability, to the Storrs campus. 

    Shawn Smith M.Ed., CCC, LCT is an autistic and ADHD Counsellor and psychotherapist, and the founder of Don’t dis-my-ability® Consultation Services Inc. Shawn helps parents, young people, and adults who are neurodivergent (ADHD/Autism/Dyslexic and more). When not changing lives and helping neurodivergent people and their support networks develop deeper bonds, Shawn loves chocolate making, collecting retro gaming machines and spending time with his wife and kids. Check out Shawn’s bio and website here.

    When: Friday, October 7th

    Where: ESB 121

    Mode: In-person!

    Workshop: Supporting and Empowering Neurodiverse Students

    Special Guest Lecture: Neurodiversity & Career Development: Finding Your Niche

    Open to the UConn community (RSVP here)

    12:00 – 1:00 PM 

    Neurodiverse Faculty and Staff Roundtable Discussion
    For faculty and staff who identify as neurodiverse (ADHD, autism, dyslexia, anxiety, etc…) 
    A casual conversation about the realities of navigating an R1 institution as a neurodiverse faculty/staff member.

    2:30 – 3:30 PM (RSVP here)

    For more information, contact: INCLUDE Program and Civil and Environmental Engineering at