Campus Information

  • Stage II Water Conservation Notice

    Dear UConn Water System Users:

    UConn is issuing a Stage II Water Supply Watch because seasonally dry conditions have reduced area streamflows. The Stage II Watch includes mandatory and voluntary water conservation measures. We are enlisting your support and cooperation to conserve water until further notice.

    The University’s water supply remains adequate to meet current and forecasted system demands and any emergency needs such as firefighting.  Per UConn’s Water Supply Plan, we are committed to operating an environmentally sustainable water supply system. Given current streamflow conditions and rainfall forecast, we are asking our students, faculty, staff and our off campus municipal, commercial, and residential users to be conscientious of their daily water use and to conserve water.

     The following mandatory conservation measures are effective immediately:

    • Lawn watering for all University and non-University users is limited to four hours or less per day and only between the hours of 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.  Athletic fields will be allowed up two hours of water per day during the same hours.
    • Filling of public or private pools must be provided via water delivered from another source.
    • Washing of motor vehicles is banned.  The University’s wash bay will be closed until further notice.
    • The use of ornamental or display fountains is banned.
    • The use of water for washing and wetting down streets, sidewalks, driveways or parking areas is banned unless required by the local public health authority.
    • The use of UConn water for dust control at construction sites is banned.  Contractors are required to provide water for dust control from off-site.
    • The use of hydrant sprinkler caps is banned.
    • Water main flushing will only be used to address water quality issues. 

    The following voluntary conservation measures remain in effect:

    • Take shorter showers.
    • Run dishwashers and washing machines with full loads.
    • Use water only as needed when washing dishes, shaving, and brushing teeth.
    • Avoid power washing buildings and washing vehicles with public water.
    • Raise the thermostat in UConn buildings, particularly when leaving at night.
    • Immediately report leaky fixtures in UConn buildings to Facilities Operations (486-3113).

    By issuing the Stage II Water Supply Watch, we need your support and cooperation to further reduce how much water you use. UConn is actively monitoring conditions and will continue to provide updates as conditions change. 

    For more information, contact: Stanley Nolan/Director of Utility Operations and Energy Management at 860-486-3208/