Special Events

  • 4/17 Free Throw Fundraiser! Hoops of Hope for AIDS

    The UConn Community Service Learning Community is putting on a campus wide free throw shooting fundraiser called Hoops of Hope to raise money for orphaned children due to AIDS in Zambia! It will take place April 17th from 5-9pm in Gampel!! You can sign up at http://www.firstgiving.com/HoopsofHope2011/teams as an individual or team. You can also fundraise through this website- the proceeds go to children orphaned due to AIDS in Zambia. If you'd like we are in need of volunteers the day of the event as well. Please fill out this doodle if interested:http://doodle.com/qpipamzi6sbzbbxz  This is going to be a super fun event for a great cause, so grab some friends, and see you there!

    For more information, contact: UConn Community Service LC at uconn.co.hoopsofhope@gmail.com