
  • Human Subjects Requested - Economics Study

    To Uconn students over the age of 18:


    I am a graduate student in the OPIM department at the business school, and I am conducting a study about how people make decisions. The project addresses some current questions in the area of behavioral economics. If you are over the age of 18, I would like to invite you to participate by filling out a brief survey. It will take less than 10 minutes and will provide valuable information for my research. To participate, simply click on the link below.



    Participation in this survey is entirely voluntary and your responses will remain completely anonymous. Respondents can choose to be entered in a lottery to win one of three $25 gift cards to the UConn Coop.


    If you have any questions, please contact me at:


    Mark Schneider


    Phone: 860-268-7791 (cell)


    This research is being carried out under the supervision of Dr. Mike Shor, Economics Department, University of Connecticut. The Uconn IRB approved this study:

    Exemption #X14-046

    For more information, contact: Mark Schneider/OPIM department at