
  • 4/15 3D Modeling with Tinkercad Workshop

    OPIM Innovate workshops are moderated lessons focusing on how to utilize a certain technology so students can walk away with a deeper understanding and potentially a new skill. A Skillshare is a subset of workshops developed and presented by our student lab specialists. 

    This skillshare will cover the basic skills required to create a 3D model and correctly format the gcode so it can be printed. Students will be presented with information on 3D Tech such as what it is, the basics of how it works, its applications, and common software that they can use to create prints and models. They will then go through a step by step process of applying these skills to make their own model on TinkerCAD before exporting and formatting the gcode in the MakerBot Desktop application.

    Time: 04/15/2022, 2:30pm - 4:00pm 
    Location: BUSN 391 
    Campus: Storrs 

    Register Now (seats limited)


    For more information, contact: Jonathan Moore at