
  • Research Enrolling ASL Students

    You are eligible if you have taken or are currently taking ASL-2 or more advanced ASL classes.


    Participation will include:

    watch 50 novel two-handed signs (words from Shanghai Sign Language) and copy the signs; evaluate whether they can be signed with only one hand; produce the one-handed form of these signs. The study is online using Zoom and will take about 40 minutes to one hour.


    Will I be paid for participation?

    The participant will receive an Amazon gift card of $20 for finishing this study.


    How can I participate?

    Please contact the student researcher Shengyun Gu (email: if you are interested.


    This study was approved by the University of Connecticut Institutional Review Board (Protocol # X21-0271). Principal Investigator: Diane Lillo-Martin; Student investigator: Shengyun Gu.

    For more information, contact: Shengyun Gu, Linguistics at