
  • Summer Research Project- CAMP-PHI

    Finalizing plans for the summer? Looking for an innovative and educational opportunity to develop practical public health skills? Consider applying for CAMP-PHI, the Community Asset Mapping Project and Public Health Immersion. Learn alongside other health profession students, about what it takes to understand both the character and the health of a community.


    Chinenye Anyanwu, MPH, PharmD is the faculty advisor for this exciting opportunity.  Stipends will be provided through the Public Health Training Center at Yale University in collaboration with CT AHEC.


    Commonly asked questions:

    -          I already had a summer research position in a lab – can I do both?  NO

    -          The project requires 210 hours of dedicated time – can I do this virtually?  NO  The project requires in-person work with a community partner.

    -          Applicants must be in good academic standing to be considered for CAMP-PHI.

    -          Applicants with completed applications will be invited to participate in an interview.

    -          Applicants will be notified of the status of their application by May 10th


    Project Dates: 6/20-7/22/22
    Total project hours: 210

    Meetings with faculty advisor (virtual): 20 hours
    Team-based fieldwork (in-person): 80 hours
    Independent study (e.g., required readings, preparation of deliverables, etc.): 110 hours

    Please send questions/inquiries to
    Dr. Chinenye Anyanwu at

    Application Due Date: 4/8/22


    For more information click here for the application and program description:


    For more information, contact: Chinenye Anyanwu, PHARM D at