Career, Internship & Fellowship

  • 4/21 Seniors: After 5 Dining in the Professional World

    Graduation is around the corner and no matter what opportunity you will be pursuing next, you will at some point need to network and dine with other early career professionals. In order to prepare you for this transition into the professional world, the Center for Career Development, the Honors Program, the Alumni Association, UConn Cultural Centers, and Senior Transition and Engagement Programs are co-sponsoring, “After 5: Dining in the Professional World,” a networking dinner for graduating seniors.

    After 5: Dining in the Professional World

    Monday, April 21, 2014

    6:30 – 8:15 p.m.

    UConn Alumni Center

    This event will give you skills for networking and dining in the professional world through an interactive dinner with a professionalism and etiquette coach and UConn alumni. 

    SENIORS, Register at by TODAY, Wednesday, April 9, 2014.

    $10 registration fee (students will be reimbursed once they arrive).

    Please direct all questions to Ty McNamee at

    For more information, contact: Ty McNamee at