Off Campus and Commuter Student Information

  • 3/7 Spring Break Essentials Grab N' Go

    Jetting off for Spring Break? Staying in state? Just want some cool UConn swag? Off-Campus and Commuter Student Services wants to help prepare you for wherever Spring Break may take you this year. We will be handing out Spring Break essentials, swag, and tons of great information on how to prepare your rental for your departure, including health and safety information for the first 75 attendees. This event will take place in SU 315 from 2:30pm-4pm on Monday, March 7th.

    *This is a "while supplies last" event for the first 75 attendees*

    Please bring your student ID, we will be swiping!

    For more information, contact: Off-Campus and Commuter Student Services at