Arts and Entertainment

  • Tonight- DMD Diverse Perspectives with Chris Cloud


    UConn’s Digital Media & Design Department presents “The Diverse Perspectives in Digital Media & Design 2022 Speaker Series”

     In This White Man's World, We The Ones Chosen: On Working While Black in Cultural Spaces 

    Chris Cloud, Director, Communications and Marketing at the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego in California

    Monday, February 14, 2022, 5:00 PM EST

    via YouTube Live, Co-hosted by Assistant Professor Clarissa Ceglio, and Digital Media Business Strategies students Raymond Ollivierre and Eimear McGowan.


    Chris Cloud will share his career journey of working in cultural institutions. Hear from his perspective about what it’s like to navigate the workspace as oftentimes the only black man in the room, let alone the organization. The title of this talk comes from Kanye West’s song Power, which has been a constant inspiration for Cloud.



    About the Artist: Chris Cloud is the Director, Communications and Marketing at the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego in California, and has a passion for connecting people and ideas. Previously he was the first Marketing Content Director at the immersive art experience Meow Wolf in Santa Fe, New Mexico and the Social Media and Community Manager at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Outside of being the hype person for dope art institutions, Cloud is an artist and culture maker himself. 




    About the Diverse Perspectives in Digital Media & Design 2022 Speaker Series:

    To paraphrase James Baldwin, nothing can be changed until it is faced. This is certainly true of the inequities that have historically shaped digital media content, fields, and careers. Join UConn’s Digital Media & Design department in welcoming industry professionals, artists, and media scholars from the film, design, cultural, game, and other sectors to discuss how issues of equity manifest in their work, creative processes, and professions, allowing us to reflect on how our own practice can support greater equity, diversity, and inclusion.

    For more information, contact: Digital Media & Design Dept at