Special Events

  • #NewYearsClimateResolution Campaign

    Happy New Year!!!

    We hope everyone has had a restful and rejuvenating holiday break. As you may have heard climate change is a crisis and a threat to our communities and our patients.  We at Sustainability @ UConn Health want to encourage students and faculty at UConn Health to make New Year’s Resolutions to be more environmentally friendly and decrease your carbon footprint with our #NewYearsClimateResolution Campaign.

    Steps to participate: 

    1. Send us (jsahl@uchc.edu) a short statement about what you plan to do this year to reduce your carbon footprint and/or be more environmentally friendly.  Please include your name, position in the medical/dental/public health/graduate school, and e-mail address.  (All students, faculty members, and staff are encouraged to participate.) (Worth 1 raffle ticket)
    2. Send us a picture that illustrates your #NewYearsClimateResolution with a short explanation (optional, worth 1 raffle ticket)
    3. Post your statement (and photo) on social media (i.e., Facebook and Instagram) and tag us @sustainability.at.uconnhealth with the hashtag #NewYearsClimateResolution  (optional, worth 2 raffle tickets)

    Sustainability @ UConn Health would like to celebrate the New Year of 2022 by showcasing you and your efforts to fight climate change!  We will be sharing your ideas (and photos) on both our Facebook and our Instagram pages.  If you participate in all 3 steps you will have earned 4 raffle tickets to win some eco-friendly prizes which will be announced in February.

    If you are looking for some ideas to reduce your carbon footprint this year, we recommend checking out this link with 16 ideas.  Click each idea to learn more about how these ideas can combat climate change.

    We look forward to seeing and sharing your submissions!  Don’t forget to always take care of our planet! 


    Sustainability @ UConn Health

    For more information, contact: Sustainability @ UConn Health at vschmidt@uchc.edu