On Campus Job Opportunities

  • 12/6 Orientation Leader - Final Information Sessions

    We are searching for undergraduate Storrs students to be members of the 2022 Storrs Orientation team. If you are interested in helping new students make a positive transition to the university and really enjoy this type of work, we encourage you to attend one of our upcoming  Orientation Leader Information Sessions. 

    The final Information Sessions for students interested in becoming Orientation Leaders will occur on December 6. 7, 8, 9 & 10 at 8:00 p.m. in McHugh Hall, Room 101.  Learn more about the position, it's benefits and requirements.  Ask Questions.

    This is the only time of the year that we recruit for the Storrs Orientation Leader positions because training occurs during the spring semester.


    For more information, contact: Maria Sedotti/Office of Orientation Services at orientation.storrs@uconn.edu