Campus Information

  • 11/19 Message from the Dean of Students

    The message below was sent by Eleanor JB Daugherty, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs & Dean of Students, to students on all campuses on November 19, 2021

    Subject:  Giving Thanks to All of You and to Our Purpose

    Hi there, Huskies,

    I know, I know, you’re hoping I won’t go here… but I will: it’s time to think about what we’re thankful for. 

    First, above all, our good health. Our extremely high vaccination rates and indoor mask-wearing have consistently kept our COVID infection numbers to infinitesimal numbers. The credit for that goes to you. Let’s keep that going by getting boosters as soon as you hit the six month mark (Pfizer and Moderna) or two months (Johnson and Johnson).

    The time we spent apart last year has made this year together that much more meaningful for all of us.  I have heard from countless students who have shared how happy and relieved they are to have been back on campus this semester, taking in-person classes, participating in in-person events, and loving the time they get to spend with their friends and classmates face-to-face. We celebrate these accomplishments.  Your care and concern for one another, even when things are stressful and uncertain, has always been our greatest strength as Huskies. 

    At the same time, it goes without saying that we are living in difficult times. We are all well aware of the multiple, cascading crises afflicting the globe and the tension and conflict within our own nation. There are many things that are beyond our direct control. One thing that is well within our control, however, is how we treat one another here at UConn and what kind of a campus culture we want to have.

    At UConn, we can always choose to be kind to one another, and to be respectful of others – including those we disagree with. We do not have to emulate the divisiveness we see in the world around us; in fact, we can do the opposite. We can embrace the desire to find the good in others and to better understand one another through dialogue, discussion, and listening. This idea -that we listen, learn, and discover based upon our common identity as Huskies- is what UConn is all about.  We can choose to be a special place that seeks to critically examine the troubles of our world by making it our goal to foster friendships, cultivate allies, and build bridges between people – including those who could not be further apart.

    We can be different. That doesn’t mean we will no longer feel deeply and passionately about the things that are most important to us.  It doesn’t mean we will stop arguing for what we feel is right. Nor should it.  But we can all follow our passion and critically engage with others in a way that recognizes and values the humanity of the people we’re talking to. That way, when our graduates leave UConn – many of whom will devote their lives to addressing the myriad of problems we face – they will be well-equipped to address them most effectively and build friends and allies in the process.

    And that is something to be thankful for.   Change the world, UConn.  But don’t forget to care for each other along the way.

    Enjoy your break.

    All my best,


    Eleanor JB Daugherty, EdD
    Associate Vice President and Dean of Students

    For more information, contact: Janice Canniff at