On Campus Job Opportunities

  • Language Consultant

    The UConn Linguistics Department seeks to hire a native speaker of an understudied language to assist in the Spring 2022 course LING 6050: Field Methods in Linguistics. Students in this class describe and analyze an unfamiliar language based on eliciting data from the consultant, primarily through translation questions. The consultant must attend all class meetings Wednesdays 1:30pm-4:30pm and additional small group sessions of 5-7 hours per week to be arranged at times compatible with the consultant's availability. The expectation is a workload of around 10-12 hours per week depending on enrollment size. The pay rate is $28.80 per/hour. Applicants should contact Dr. Vicki Carstens: vicki.carstens@uconn.edu ASAP. Speakers of Africian languages are especially encouraged to apply.

    For more information, contact: Vicki Carstens at vicki.carstens@uconn.edu