Campus Information

  • 10/29 Message from the Dean of Students

    The message below was sent by Eleanor JB Daugherty, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs & Dean of Students, to students on all campuses on October 29, 2021

    Hi Huskies,

    Three weeks until Thanksgiving break - WOW.  That happened fast!

    I know there is both a lot of fun ahead and midterms may feel never-ending.  I hope you know how much we all believe in you: academic advisers, residential staff, faculty, friends, dining staff (sometimes, you just need some fries) … all of us are here for you.  We care about you, believe in your success, and understand that things are challenging.  Talk to us if you need help.  We’re here.

    A couple of highlights:

    • Confronting COVID forums: We’ve come a long way since last year and want to touch base with our campuses.  These forums begin TODAY and continue through the 8th.  We paid attention to the concerns raised over the summer and fall and have convened a panel of campus leaders, leaders in the religious and medical community, and students.  Join us for an open conversation about COVID, our worries, our health, and our community.  All are very welcome:
      • Stamford: TODAY at 12:30 p.m.  Virtual only  
      • Hartford: Tuesday, Nov. 2 at 2:15 p.m., Hartford Times Building, Room 145.  Free t-shirts for in-person attendees while supplies last!
    • Storrs: Nov. 8: 4 p.m., Student Union Theatre 
    • Halloween: This should be a time when we relax a little, hang out, dress up, and have fun. It could also be a time when we realize that we should not be looking to substances, like excessive drinking, to provide a relief from the stress we are experiencing.  So, let’s celebrate responsibly and care for one another. 
      • Information on pacing, consumption, and caring for one another is available here. 
      • The University’s Good Samaritan statement reminds you that your health is the most important thing to us.  Call 911 and do the right thing for a friend in need
      • Be sure to read the Halloween email that went out to all students and participate in the AWESOME events that Students Activities have put together for Storrs students.
      • Off-campus community members, I strongly encourage you to ensure that any gatherings meet town ordinances, as well as local, state, and federal laws.  Did I mention I ‘strongly’ encourage? 
    • Shout out to our Waterbury campus: On Oct. 8, the UConn College of Liberal Arts and Sciences awarded $2,500 to the Waterbury Campus Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee in support of a performance entitled Fully Vaccinated by NYC cabaret performers David LaMarr and Darnell White. The show addresses such topics as mental illness, LGBTQ+ experiences, the media, racial inequality, Black Lives Matter, and the COVID pandemic, and will be presented at Waterbury's Palace Theater during Spring 2022.   Talk to the campus about how to obtain tickets!

    Finally, some great news from the One Card office.  If you currently have a UConn ID, you can exchange it one time, free of charge, for an updated preferred name on the card.  My sincere thanks to my colleagues in the Dean of Students office and the One Card office for reducing barriers and allowing us to further honor students’ identities. 

    All good things,


    Eleanor JB Daugherty, EdD
    Associate Vice President and Dean of Students


    For more information, contact: Janice Canniff at