Student Organization Events & Information

  • 11/3 Volunteer for Multiply Your Options Conference

    The Multiply Your Options (MYO) Conference is a one-day conference for 8th grade femxles and aims to introduce these students to possible future academic and career opportunities in STEM. The conference will be held virtually on Wednesday, November 3, 2021 from 8 AM – 2 PM.  

    During the conference the 8th grade students are exposed to STEM fields through a variety of volunteer led workshops and sessions. The workshops consist of a demonstration of an activity relating to the volunteer’s field and the sessions, which we call “Tools Clues” allow the students to learn about possible career options in STEM. All of this is run primarily by volunteer efforts and therefore we are hoping that you and/or members from your group would be willing to help us make this great opportunity happen.  

    MYO is a great opportunity to teach students about STEM and get them excited about what is possible in their future. As a volunteer you have the option to help run a workshop demonstration and/or run a tools clues session. Following the conference is a networking event from 2 PM – 3PM for the professional and student volunteers to connect with one another. Your involvement in the conference plays a pivotal role in allowing the young femxle students an opportunity to explore academic and career options in STEM.  

     As a volunteer, your time commitment is based on which activities you want to be a part of. More information regarding the conference and timing of the events can be found on the Vergnano Institute for Inclusion MYO website 

    If you are interested in participating in the conference, please fill out the following Teams form. A follow up confirmation email will be sent to all volunteers with more information regarding timing of the day. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to Randi Mendes (randi.mendes@uconn.eduand Danielle Crevecoeur (

    For more information, contact: UConn SWE at