Volunteer Opportunities

  • Big Brothers Big Sisters in Need of Mentors

    Big Brothers Big Sisters is a club in which UConn students, the Bigs, are paired with a student from our local communities, our Littles. Within our club you meet with your Little once a week for about 2 hours as we travel to their school during after-school hours. Our club is so great as it allows Bigs and Littles to forge a strong bond that has a positive impact on the both of you. For just 2 hours a week you can change the life of a child all while helping them reach their goals. We are so lucky to have program in person this year, making all those interactions even more meaningful. Thinking about going into the education field, this is just the experience you need. Thinking about going into a STEM field, this is a fun break from those hard classes. This club is for anyone and everyone looking to make a change in someone's life.

    There is an application and interview process. The application will be linked down below as well as the interview sign up sheet. For the interview, you can sign up with ANY of our 7 interviewers. 

    If you have any questions or want more information please contact Nick Teixeira at uconn.co.bbbs@gmail.com or Amanda Schuman at uconn.co.natchaugbbbs@gmail.com

    Application: https://www.tfaforms.com/4849237

    Interview Sign Up Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Y_Hz3wWFuMsLHkoGgZ3AFS2z9YyA4qH04he-zTuiK58/edit?usp=sharing


    For more information, contact: Amanda Schuman at uconn.co.natchaugbbbs@gmail.com