Volunteer Opportunities

  • Volunteer with Mansfield Youth Services

    Big Friends 

    Volunteer with Mansfield Community services by participating in Big Friends, a community outreach program that connects student mentors with children grades 5-8 of the Mansfield area. Mansfield Youth Services Big Friends supports children and their families by encouraging social and academic enrichment through one-on-one and group interactions. Participants of the program will learn to foster positive, supportive relationships with children through partaking in arts and crafts, board and lawn games. The Big Friends program offers volunteers the opprotunity to give back to their surronding commuities in a meaningful and imapctful way while cultivating life long leadership and mentoring skills. 

    Big Friends Application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfi-WgGEfuXw50TusIROJrCEI69OkJxolGKRwDLmYzF2pB06w/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0



    Volunteer with Mansfield Community services by participating in COPE, a community outreach program that connects student mentors with children grades 1-3 of the Mansfield/Storrs area. COPE supports children who have sustained emotional trauma. The program helps normalize feelings, provide support, build friendships and help students develop coping skills to handle changes and stress in their lives. COPE offers a critical support system that serves to equip children with tools that foster resilience.Participants of the program will learn to foster positive relationships with children through partaking in arts and crafts, board and lawn games. The Big Friends program offers volunteers the opprotunity to give back to their surronding commuities in a meaningful and imapctful way while cultivating leadership and mentoring skills.

    COPE Application: 

    Position Requirements 

    -Participants must be vaccinated 

    -Participants must have the aility to commit to meetings (details about dates included in applications)

    -Participants must be willing to travel to volunteer sites (transportation will be provided) 


    For more information, contact: Big Friends at uconn.co.bigfriends@gmail.com