Volunteer Opportunities

  • One-time Volunteering This Weekend

    Community Service Days (CSD) is hosting volunteer activities this weekend, sign up now!

    - Friday, Sept. 10th from 4-6pm  Spring Valley Student Farm

          Meet students from all across campus while engaging in a variety of farming activities to grow fresh healthy food for our UConn community.

    - Saturday Sept. 11th from 10-12pm Joshua's Trust 

           Joshua's Trust is a volunteer conservation organization that protects more than 4,500 acres across 14 towns in northeastern Connecticut. The organization maintains walking trails and historical sites for the public to appreciate and enjoy.

    - Saturday Sept. 11th OR Sunday Sept. 12th from 10-1pm Garden Club of Windham

          Maintaining public planted spaces in Willimantic. This project will involve weeding, trimming perennials, spreading mulch, dividing and transplanting plants, and making signs. 


    To sign up or for more information check our UContact page or email us at uconn.co.csd@gmail.com.


    For more information, contact: Community Service Days at uconn.co.csd@gmail.com